Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. Let’s try to answer some frequently asked questions about it.

The force by which the heart drives blood through the vessels in each pulse.
The first measurement (the systolic) represents the force of blood pressure on the walls of the vessels during contraction of the heart, while the second measurement (or diastolic) during the expansion of the heart.
This is the pathological situation where the pressure on the vessels is increased. Because arterial hypertension is asymptomatic, the blood pressure must be measured to diagnose the disease.
By using a blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer). The instructions to be followed by the examined person before measuring blood pressure are: - not to drink coffee or to smoke at least half an hour before - measurement is done in a sitting position after the examined person rests for about 5 minutes - to be relaxed, calm and in a pleasant environment - the back rests on the back of the chair and the arm rests on a firm surface (eg table) - the cuff should fit tightly on the arm and the sleeve should be removed if it is very tight- the cuff should be at approximately the height of the heart. It is advisable to do 2 measurements and to avoid the measurement when the subject has a headache or is angry or tired because the measurement will not respond to the actual pressure.
Both measurements at the clinic and at home can provide valuable information to the physician about the diagnosis and the treatment plan to follow.
Arterial hypertension can cause damage to many organs of the body, such as the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes and vessels. Because it is an asymptomatic disease, many of these damages may not be diagnosed early. Uncontrolled hypertension is responsible for: - 67% of heart attacks - 77% of strokes - 74% of heart failure - kidney failure (its second cause) - worsening of Alzheimer's disease and cerebral dysfunction
The successful cooperation of the patient with his / her physician is very important for successful control of the blood pressure. There are seven important areas that the patient should be actively involved in the treatment of hypertension. 1. Improving eating habits by adopting a Mediterranean diet and reducing salt consumption 2. Physical activity on a daily basis 3. Maintaining normal body weight 4. Managing stress 5. Quitting smoking 6. Compliance with medication prescribed by his physician 7. Reduce alcohol intake Following the above guidelines will increase the chances of a good control of the blood pressure. In addition, those who do not suffer from hypertension, by incorporating into their daily lives a healthier lifestyle, can: - lower their blood pressure baseline values - slow down or stop the onset of hypertension and thus prevent all these complications that hypertension can cause in the cardiovascular system.