24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- In detecting "white coat" hypertension (elevated blood pressure in the clinic, but normal throughout the day)
- To control response to treatment
- Detection of masked hypertension (normal blood pressure in the clinic but elevated throughout the day)
- For research purposes
- Patients with suspected white coat hypertension or masked hypertension
- Patients with significant variations in blood pressure values during the same visit
- Pregnant women with suspected preeclampsia or elevated blood pressure in the clinic
- Patients with persistent hypertension
-Significant discrepancy of blood pressure recorded in the clinic with that recorded at home.
- And patients with suspected nocturnal hypertension (patients with sleep apnea, chronic kidney disease or diabetes)
- Limitations on availability
- Technical difficulties related to physician training
- Inability of many patients to tolerate the cuff for 24 hours.
- Sleep disturbance due to noise caused by the device.
- Arrhythmias, which may affect the results.